
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), Assam Recruitment 2020.Total Post 96 Nos


Jal Jeevan Mission is a Flagship Programme. The Government of India has restructured and subsumed the continued National Rural beverage Programme (NRDWP) into Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) to supply Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to each rural household by 2024. The implementation of the programme is overseen by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation of Govt. of India, Ministry of Jal Shakti at National level and by Public Health Engineering Department, Assam, in the state. The programme focuses on service delivery at household level, i.e. water supply on regular basis in adequate quantity and of prescribed quality. This necessitates use of modern technology in planning and implementation of water supply schemes, development of water sources, treatment and supply of water, empowerment of Gram Panchayat/ local community, focus on
service delivery, partner with other stakeholders, convergence with other programmes, methodical monitoring of the programme and to capture service delivery data automatically for ensuring the quality of services to help in achieving the goal of Jal Jeevan Mission.

The Mission Directorate, JJM, Assam intends to engage 96 (Ninety six) Technical Officers in various districts of the State of Assam. The selection for recruitment will be done through partnership with Tezpur University. However, Tezpur University has no role in issuance of appointment letter and other employment and service related matters.

A. Essential Qualification

1. B.E./B.Tech in Civil/Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ institution with minimum 60% marks.
2. The candidates should be a domicile of Assam.
3. Age not more than 35 years as on 1st January 2020.

B. Desirable Qualifications/ Skills
1. Relevant knowledge in areas of community driven rural/urban development projects (Water supply, Roads, Buildings, Sanitation and other relevant areas)
2. Computer Knowledge in MS office/OS and Internet.
3. Willing to work in complex, multi stakeholder and fast-moving environment.
4. Willing to work under pressure, respecting strict deadlines and multi-tasking.
5. Knowledge of Assamese, English, Hindi & other local language (s).
6. Good social, analytical, communication, inter-personal and planning skills.
7. Self-motivated and possessing ability to work independently as well as in teams.
8. Willing to travel extensively within and outside the state.
C. Job Description
1. Assist in the preparation and implementation of Village Action / District Action Plans
2. Assist in the planning and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for rural water
3. On-site verification and monitoring of construction of water supply scheme and Plans. supply. retrofitting.
4. Operation and maintenance of FHTCs.
5. Regular follow up with District officials on quality construction of water supply schemes including FHTCs.
6. Timely preparation and submission of monitoring data and IMIS reports.
7. Organizing periodic review meeting with District, Block and GP level functionaries and beneficiaries.
8. Capacity building of community/ beneficiary on usage, 0&M of FHTCs.
9. Any other task assigned by the concerned authorities.
D. Duration of the Contract

The contract period of the Technical Officer is initially for a period of 11 months. Further extension will be based on the performance of the concerned person/ project requirement.

E. Remuneration

The consolidated fixed remuneration of the Technical Officer shall be Rs.30,000 (Rupees Thirty Thousand Only) per month with an annual increment of 10% (after appraisal). Taxes as applicable shall be dealt with as per applicable laws. The remuneration shall be inclusive of monthly remuneration and performance-linked-incentive, communication allowance, etc. 90% of the remuneration would be paid as fixed salary while 10% would be linked to performance.

F. Methodology of Recruitment

Due to the current situation with reference to the COVID 19 pandemic, a contact less recruitment process will be adopted purely based on academic performance from Class X to Graduation level. Moreover, Candidate’s fit to the essential and desirable qualification/skills will also be considered.

G. Number of candidates to be selected:
                  Civil Engineers: 77
                  Mechanical Engineers: 19

H. Application Requirement:

a) An application with all details needs to be filled online in by clicking
b) Copies of Academic transcript (HSLC to Graduation) must be attached Selection Criteria:

Applicants not producing any of the documents specified in Clause H above (Application Requirement) shall not be eligible for shortlisting. They should produce original documents whenever required.

Application submission deadline:
              Interested applicants should submit the online application along with all above mentioned documents as attachment latest by 05 July 2020. For any further details, mails may be sent to


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