
HSLC RESULT 2020 (SEBA) Today Released - 6th June

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শনিবাৰে ঘোষণা হ’ব হাইস্কুল শিক্ষান্ত আৰু হাই মাদ্ৰাছা পৰীক্ষাৰ ফলাফল। ফলাফল ঘোষণাৰ বাবে প্ৰস্তুতি সম্পূৰ্ণ ছেবাৰ। পুৱা ৯ বজাত ঘোষণা হ’ব ফলাফল। এইবাৰ কেৱল অনলাইনযোগে ছাত্ৰ -ছাত্ৰীয়ে লাভ কৰিব ফলাফল। ফলাফলৰ বাবে ছেবাই মুকলি কৰিছে ১৪ টাকৈ ৱেবছাইট।

পৰীক্ষাৰ ফলাফল উপলব্ধ হ’বলগীয়া ৱেবছাইটসমূহ :


www.assam.siksha আৰু

Methods to Check SEBA HSLC Result 2020:

There are four types of methods to check Assam SEBA HSLC Result 2020. Methods include: websites, SMS, android application and official result sheet of examination centres.

a) Website:

SEBA usually declares their Assam SEBA HSLC Result 2020 through a number of authorized websites. The list of authorized websites will be declared 2/3 days before the SEBA HSLC 2020 Result Date.

Normally, one can check SEBA Results on following websites:


b) SMS:

One can use basic SMS service feature to get the SEBA HSLC 2020 result. For this, just send an SMS within the following format and obtain your result.

BSNL Users: Type SEBA20(space)(roll number) and send it to 57766
Idea, Jio & Vodafone Users: We will update soon
Airtel Users: We will update soon

c) Android App:

One can use official android application for checking SEBA HSLC Results 2020. This year official SEBA Results 2020 is developed by Pan India Internet Private Limited.

Download SEBA Results 2020 App: Click Here .

d) Result Booklet:

Result Booklet is quite an obsolete method to check Assam SEBA HSLC Result which is prepared by SEBA to send each and every exam centres. To use this method, one has to visit his/ her school or examination center of SEBA.

However, this time, due to COVID-19 pandemic, there is hardly any chance of using this method.

How to Check SEBA Result 2020 Online?

* Visit the following link: Click Here .

* Scroll down, check Important Link's section.

* Click on the SEBA HSLC Result 2020 link.

* Enter your roll number exactly as mentioned on SEBA Admit Card.

* After entering your Roll and Code, click on SUBMIT button.

* Your results & mark-sheet will be popped up and take a print of the same.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of SEBA Result 2020?

1. When the SEBA HSLC Result 2020 will be declared?

* The SEBA HSLC Result 2020 will be declared on 6th June 2020. T

2. What are the details required to check Assam SEBA HSLC Result 2020?

* The candidates would require their Roll Number to see the result from

3. What is the official website to check Assam HSLC Result 2020?

* The official websites to check Assam HSLC Results are and

ইয়াৰোপৰি SEBA Results 2020 এপত লাভ কৰিব ফলাফল। Googole paly storeৰ পৰা ডাউনলোড কৰিব পাৰিব এই এপ। এই এপত পৰীক্ষাৰ্থীয়ে নিজৰ ৰোল আৰু নাম্বাৰ মাৰিলে লাভ কৰিব ফলাফলৰ লগতে মাৰ্কশ্বীট। ছাত্ৰ–ছাত্ৰীসকলে এপত টাইপ কৰিব লাগিব ৰোল নাম্বাৰ, জন্মদিন আৰু চেণ্টাৰ নাম্বাৰ।

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