
District Legal Service Authority recruitment 2020 [31 Office Peon and Para Legal Volunteers]

DLSA (District Legal Service Authority) , Biswanath has released advertisement notifications for the recruitment of 31 Office Peon and  Para Legal Volunteers.

Job Details:-

1. Post Name-Office Peon

Total  posts: 1 [UR]

Qualification: Candidates must have passed Class VIII. But candidates who have passed HSSLC or above shall be ineligible to use for the aforesaid post.

 Salary Pay: Per Month salary wage Rs. 9000/


Minimum Age- 18 years

Maximum Age- 40 years


(age on 01.01.2020. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. policy).


2.Post Name- Para Legal Volunteers (PLV)

Total posts: 30

 Eligibility Criteria: 

a) Applicants must be a Citizen of India and a local resident of the Biswanath District.

b) Applicants should have mind-set to assist the needy in society, and have the compassion, empathy and concern for the upliftment of marginalized and weaker sections of the society.

c) The work of PLVs does not carry any salary, remuneration or wage except honorarium fixed by the District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath from time to time, as per rules.

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How to apply:

 Office Peon:The application with self-attested copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification.Age, Caste, Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card along side 3 (Three) Copies of recent Passport size Photograph duly signed by the candidate on the reverse side should reach the subsequent address.

 The applicants shall mention their Mobile Numbers within the application without fail.

 Application End date of receipt - 22.10.2020. .

Address at which applications be sent:

The Chairman,

District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath

SDJM (M) Court Campus, Biswanath

Biswanath Chariali, Dist: Biswanath, PIN-784176


 Para Legal Volunteers (PLV):

a) The application should be addressed to the Chairman, District Legal Services Authority. Biswanath.

b) Filled up application with bio-data and photographs should reach the given address on or before 31 October 2020. The applicants should submit their Mobile/ Contact Number, Email Id for the further communication.

Address at which applications be sent:

The Chairman,

District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath

SDJM (M) Court Campus, Biswanath

Biswanath Chariali, Dist: Biswanath, PIN-784176

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